Amman Valley Trotting Club

The Club is a not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee (Company Number 5310934). The Club has open membership and reinvests all surpluses generated back into the site and surrounding community. Amman Valley Trotting Club is a community enterprise established in 1979 originally to organise harness racing for local enthusiasts on a site built on levelled-out former coal spoil tip long-leased from the local authority, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.
Over the years the Club has tried to respond to local demand both for community events and additional sporting activities at the site. So, although the volunteer club members and other event volunteers from surrounding communities continue to provide a full calendar of harness-racing events as the core activity, increasingly the Club have taken the lead in organising and providing for the local community and visitors alike, for example:
a) community fun days,
b) environmental enhancements to encourage outdoor activities, opening the footpaths around the site for walking and allowing use of the track itself for cycling and jogging,
c) the provision of two well maintained garden areas with picnicking facilities and living structures
d) entertainment activities at the site (including bike races and monster truck events),
e) local environmental improvement activities, outside the track site itself, by providing the ground maintenance at the church, community field and community car park,
f) an effective Youth Club which produced a successful village newsletter and historic DVD
g) funding application assistance for local OAP groups,
h) providing refreshments for local and visiting sporting groups and enthusiasts
Harness racing is a exhilarating sport where horse and driver act in unison to pit their wits against the opposition to see which pairing comes out on top! Meanwhile the spectator gets within meters of all the thrills and spills and with a bit of luck may even finish the race better off having beaten the bookies!! Read on for your beginners guide to harness racing in Wales - but remember nothing beats the real thing so why not come along to Amman Valley and experience harness racing first hand!
For more information visit